Utilizing transit advertising means that you have very little room for error to make a meaningful impression on onlookers because these advertisements aren’t sitting still for them to spend time soaking it in.
As far as marketing efforts, transit advertising remains among the top advertising strategies for businesses to promote their products and attract consumers on highways, streets, and the surrounding areas. Businesses that market themselves on trucks and buses can with that large mobile format for an impactful message to be placed.
With transit advertising being able to be noticed from street to street, there is also the added value of a low cost when compared to other forms of transitional marketing mediums.
With Americans taking about 411 billion daily trips a year, breaking down to about 1,500 trips per person, that is a whole lot of transit advertising getting noticed. Plus, those numbers are even bigger when you consider the number of tourists visiting from other countries.
Let your brand’s message be a bold declaration to bolster its visibility, and here is how transit advertising can help you with that.
Importance of Transit Advertising
Online marketing is one thing to be viewed from the cell phone, computers, and digital tablets of consumers to take a peek at what you offer.
But the power of transit advertising comes into play when people are out in the real world and are noticing your branding from a few feet away. This helps to make your company more official in their minds, more part of their actual life, helping them to remember it more easily because they can’t just click delete or scroll past it.
Aim for a Demographic
With transit advertising, you should assess which demographic you are catering your messaging towards. For one, people who are riding public transportation could fall in the category of people that don’t own their own cars. But you can’t always make that assumption because they could be parking their cars to commute to work.
Get familiar with the demographics of riders who could be exposed to your transit ads as part of your advertising plan. Are they typically professionals, students, or tourists?
Mediums of Transit Advertising
Transit advertising has elevated beyond traditional print advertisements with technology that allows advertisers to use mediums like digital advertising on plasma screens, LCD screens, interactive advertisements that let you scan barcodes with smartphones, and animated advertisements.
When you are breaking down the cost per customer that you are able to reach with transit advertising, the expense is substantially lower than the impact that is able to be made because of the broader audience being reached.
Plus, it is also really impressive that your company won’t have to pay separate fees for all of the different neighborhoods that your bus, taxi, and subway ads will be traveling to.
By placing advertisements on buses, trains, and other modes of public transportation, you can connect with people of different age brackets, cultures, and income levels and from various areas of the city that you are servicing in a short period of time.
Television commercials and digital ads, on the other hand, can be ignored or skipped, while transit advertising can keep people’s attention and lead to multiple viewings to strengthen the ability of people to remember the ads.
But utilizing transit ads, you have more cost options if you are working with a tight budget, more ways to position the exact same ad, and various sizes that you can work with as well.
No Geographical Constraints
Transit advertising is stiff and stuck existing in just one fixed geographic location like physical ads are when they are posted to a billboard advertising space that is stuck in the ground. With this lack of limitations, transit ads can encompass a vast area, reaching more people in many places.
Target Oriented
When using transit advertising, you have the ability to target your audience based on their location, and you can pick which places you want transit vehicles that travel in those areas for local advertising campaigns.
Being that buses are moving billboards, canvassing the most congested areas of our cities provides exposure to a local audience of drivers, travelers, and commuters as they move about their daily lives, taking the ideas from your messaging with them.
Aspects of transit advertising that are important to remember to include:
- Bus advertising is as flexible for promoting events, products, performances, and services as it is a way of taking people to where they live, shop, work, play, and visit.
- Transit advertising is bold and directly in the faces of those that physically come across it. There are no ways to click out of these real-life ads like if they were online. Plus, people already expect billboards and posters to exist, making them a much less obtrusive medium.
- The strength of travel advertising is its constant ability to find new audiences to inform multiple locations to inhabit throughout the course of a typical day.