If you’re pregnant and considering what to feed your baby, you might want to consider going organic. There are many reasons for this, some of which we discuss below.


On the surface, organic formula may seem like a more expensive way to go, but when you factor in health costs (e.g., special antibiotics and hospitalizations) related to feeding children regular formula, it’s often cheaper to go organic. Plus there’s the cost of quality time lost while caring for other children because of illnesses related to being fed regular formula as an infant.


  1. Many scientific studies show that organic formula is better for your baby’s health
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A 2006 study published by Dr. Helen Harwatt, a paediatrician specialising in allergies, showed that babies fed with an organic diet were less likely to develop allergies and asthma. Another study found that children fed with organically grown food had higher concentrations of cancer-fighting antioxidants than those fed conventionally grown foods.


  1. Organic formula has more healthful fatty acids in it

In particular, the omega 3 fatty acids found in organic formula are more nutritious than those found in regular formula. Omega 3 fatty acids are known to have many positive health effects, including helping children’s brains develop properly.


  1. Organic formula is free of chemicals
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No growth hormones are used to boost milk production in organic cows, nor are antibiotics allowed to be used as a means of fattening them up. Synthetic vitamins and minerals are not added post-production. There’s also no herbicide residue, pesticides or artificial flavours to cause your baby any discomfort or side effects.


  1. Organic formula is better for the environment

While organic foods may cost more, they’re actually more sustainable options than their regular counterparts because of their ability to be grown and harvested without harming the environment. For example, animals can graze more freely with little chance of poisoning from chemicals regularly used in traditional farming methods.

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  1. Organic formula is better for the environment and for animals

Organic foods are better for the environment, as well as for animals. For example, organic cows are not fed hormones to boost milk production. Using antibiotics (a growth stimulant) on cattle is illegal in organic farming. The result is healthier cows that produce higher quality milk that has more omega 3 fatty acids and less saturated fats than conventionally-raised dairy cows.


  1. Organic formula has more enzymes

If you’re concerned about your baby not getting enough nutrition from his regular formula, organic formula could solve that problem. Enzymes are nutrients in the body that help break down food, especially carbohydrates. When they’re not present in enough quantities, breath problems can develop.

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If you’re considering what to feed your baby, organic formula or baby probiotics may be the best choice. It not only has many proven health benefits, but it’s better for the environment and the animals that produce it. Also, when your baby reaches the toddler stage, you can switch him or her to an organic diet.




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