The next church fundraiser is upon us and that means it’s both the best of times and the most stressful of times. There’s few things better than being able to rest easily because the church has all the money it needs but what’s the best way to make sure that happens?


We all know there’s more than one way to do so and nothing more fun than changing things from one fundraiser to the next. So whether you only have one fundraiser per year or they happen every couple of months, here’s some fun ideas everyone in your life is sure to love.

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Make It A Move Night

The great thing about this idea is the flexibility. It might not be in the budget to rent out an entire theater but that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of the space in somewhere like the church basement. When doing that, all you’ll need is a projector and copy of whatever movie everyone in attendance is going to love.


Depending on the time of year and space available, doing this outside and charging per head (or per family) might also be a perfect way to welcome in the warmer weather or so say goodbye to it before the cold really starts to come in.

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The Bake Sale

Yes, it’s a classic but it’s that way for a reason. It’s hard to beat the chance to raise a little money with every family’s favorite recipes that have been passed from one generation to the next. Few things are going to get everyone excited like this. It’s the staple when it comes to church fundraising, but there’s nothing wrong with going with a classic.

A Church Yardsale

Everyone has a few extra things sitting around the house that they often forget are even there. Taking those extra items and donating them to the church is going to help you out two-fold. Not only is that a great way to make sure you are doing your part in keeping the church running but you’re also going to breathe that little bit easier knowing the housing isn’t as cluttered.

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Bring A Few Laughs

This isn’t the first thing people often think of with fundraisers but it’s one they’d be sure to remember. Bringing in a few christian comedians is a great way to raise some money and also the perfect thing for making a special moment happen. Bringing everyone together to share in a few laughs will strengthen the bond with those you share a church with.

Reach Out To Local Business

Working together with a local business is a great opportunity for those who live in large and small communities alike. There’s plenty of options for what this looks like in the specifics and that’ll have to be worked out with you and the businesses that are interested. They might love the idea of giving a day’s sales to the church.

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If that’s not possible, even having a local business advertise that you do have a fundraiser happening could make a major difference in the turnout. Even if that’s all they are able to do, since they aren’t in a place to donate directly, helping to get the word out is not something to be understated.


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