Every marketing campaign should combine both inbound and outbound strategies. If you have a blog, you will need to launch a social media campaign, SEO and combine it with mobile/banner ads, print ads. Additionally, you can even do an email promotion.
Sponsored content works as a blog or official content on your corporate site. It aims to provide useful information and motivate your reader to order your services or products. Sponsored content is not free, but it is worth investing a part of your company’s budget.
Sponsored Content Overview
What we call sponsored content is a special type of advertising. It looks like editorial material. It is a special art to write such articles so that the text blends perfectly into the editorial content of your publisher. Also, it is essential to label your content as sponsored as it has a special promotional purpose. Every marketer should understand the difference between advertorials and sponsored content. Advertorials are used for selling services or products and they are usually marked as ads.
While sponsored content does not necessarily include the name of the brand. The main purpose of sponsored content is to entertain and help a wide target audience.
Why Do Companies Invest into Sponsored Content?
After analyzing your marketing strategy, you came to the conclusion that the readership of, for example, Business Insider matches your audience perfectly. However, it is not easy to convince Business Insider to accept your press release. Thanks to sponsored content your company has a chance to reach the needed audience and control editorial flow.
Sponsored content allows you to express individual opinions. You promote your brand in an organic way, just like people like, as they are tired of advertisements all around. Let’s say you want to promote a big event. Using traditional advertising, you have a couple of words to spread the message, while composing a sponsored content, you permit your future readers to find out a lot of interesting facts about the event and motivate them to visit it. Depending on your brand, goals, and the publication, you can include video, photo, text materials, or a mix of all of them.
What Are Approximate Rates for Sponsored Content?
Speaking about approximate rates for your sponsored content, they fully depend on the chosen promotional package and publications. If you plan to post your content on an average blog, you have to be ready to invest not more than $1,000, the top-rated publication will charge you around $12,000 and $25,000 per a single post. Such publications as Forbes ask for $150,000 per 2 months, giving you permission to do 5 posts. If you are ready to invest $100,000/month, Forbes gives you a unique package, which consists of a post placement on their home page, unique feature opportunities, engagement with the top influencers, etc.
How Can You Measure the ROI?
Every marketing campaign aims to build brand awareness. It is possible to measure ROI by time people spend on your website, all organic traffic, lead generation, and engagement on social media platforms.
Final Words
There are many agencies offering sponsored content services. They all give you the guarantee to deliver your posts to a huge social media network. You should stay cautious with agencies you deal with for the first time. Before sending the money, you should find out where/how your content will be published. Cooperate only with agencies you can trust. Investing into sponsored content is worth considering as it boosts your ROI and makes your brand stand out on the market!